Annelene/Andrew Awake
Annelene awake is 17.5 inches long with bent knees, weighs 5lb 6oz, and is poured in one piece by Maria Lynn Dolls. She has an open mouth with visible upper gums sculpted inside. She will come with a set of German glass eyes fit into pre-opened sockets. She is also available as “Andrew”, the boy version of this kit.
Her price for a blank kit is: $1590 US plus shipping in eco 20 and $1690 in super soft blend.
Kits are available in three skin tones. Armatures can be added for $155 in the arms and $310 in the arms and legs. Drink and wet can be added for $210 for the girl kit and $310 for the boy.
The non-refundable deposit to reserve your kit is $250. Flexible layaway is available for six months or more if needed.
Blank Kit Photos
Skin tones blends available